
In this page, you can find all publications I was part of. They are divided among those in which I was part as «Main author» and those as «Co-author». In each case you will find the list of authors, links to the publications and, at least in those in which I had a major contribution, a visual abstract that sumarizes the study. If you have any question or want something else, please, contact me.

As main-author:

As co-author:

Fast infrared winds during the radio-loud and X-ray obscured stages of the black hole transient GRS 1915+105

Posters and slides:

A combined study of spectroscopic and photometric variability in massive stars

  • Type of contribution: Poster
  • Authors: C. Martínez-Sebastián
  • Meeting: COEFIS XIV – 2022
  • Date: 24/03/2022-25/03/2022